Art Jackets

I took this picture on my first visit to Emmanuel Gallery. I loved the jacket's artwork. "Art jackets" are quite distinctive and cool in my opinion. An artist's creation or an artistic expression can be seen in clothing. The production of clothing might be done for aesthetic reasons, political statements, or messages. Few companies that rely on consumers who recognize the expressive and communicative abilities of apparel. 
Our clothing should be works of art, and how we dress ourselves should be a creative and emotional statement. When I see fashion as art I get inspired to clothe myself in items of clothing that I value as works of art. I get motivated to display my own creativity as it has been impacted by the creativity of others.


  1. Clothings is such a unique and interesting way to show creativity. They can say so much about any topic that the person wants on a piece of leather/cloth. I definitely find graphic tees and such that you see in the Emmanuel Art gallery very interesting!


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